Help Window

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By default hsCADCreator uses the Basic Workspace Layout. In this layout the Help Window is located to the right hand side of the main window. With it visible, new users can view the quick-start help and documentation while they learn our software. The Help Window is also a Docking Window. This window can be Unpinned to save valuable drawing space. For more information on managing the window space visit Workspace Layout.




Navigating Through the Help Documentation

As you use hsCADCreator, the Help Window will automatically refresh displaying documentation relating to your most recent action. When you activate at tool, that tool's documentation will display. Further you can click question marks (HelpButton) to force the loading of documentation tied to that button.


To move throughout the help documentation, use the red links to navigate. Also, found at the top of the window are three icons ( nav_topnav_leftnav_right ). These icons are used to move around throughout the help.


1.  ( nav_top )  This button will navigate the documentation to the home or start of the help documentation.

2.  ( nav_left ) This button will navigate the documentation to the previous page in the documentation item list.

3.  ( nav_right ) This button will navigate the documentation to the next page in the documentation item list.