An arc entity is a continuous portion of a circle; part of a circle's circumference (also called a circle segment).
The arc entity consists of the following data in addition to the Common Data:
Property Name
Data Type
Center Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
The center point of the circle that this arc represents.
Starting Angle
Scientific Data (degrees, radians)
The angle of origin of the arc in relation to the Cartesian plane (360 degrees), that is, zero degrees is on the x-axis.
Ending Angle
Scientific Data (degrees, radians)
The angle of completion of the arc in relation to the Cartesian plane (360 degrees), that is, zero degrees is on the x-axis.
Scientific Data
The line segment distance from the arc's center to any point on the arc.
Start Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
The starting point of arc.
Through Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
Initially this point is calculated as the middle point of the arc. But when modified by grip point or field value, the new point will be treated as a through point.
Mid Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
The calculated, un-editable, middle point on arc between start point and end point.
End Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
The ending point of arc.
The above properties are shown in the Selection Property Tree when an arc entity is selected using the Selection Tool.
Click on image to see detail view. |
To draw an Arc see the tools:
Start-Center-End Arc Tool
Start-Center-Angle Arc Tool
Start-Center-Chord Length Arc Tool
Start-Middle-End Arc Tool