Ordinate dimensions are used for measuring the length along an X or Y axis and displaying length as text at the end of a leader.
An ordinate dimension entity consists of the following data in addition to the Entity Common Data and the Dimension Common Data:
Property Name
Data Type
Start Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
Starting point for measuring length.
End Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
Ending point for measuring length.
Leader End Point
3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)
Reference point where dimension entity should be drawn.
On X-Axis
If checked (true), measures and displays the dimension text along X-axis, else along Y-axis.
On Y-Axis
If checked (true), measures and displays the dimension text along Y-axis, else along X-axis.
The above properties are shown in the Selection Property Tree when an ordinate dimension entity is selected using the Selection Tool.
Click on image to see detail view. |
To draw an ordinate dimension see the Ordinate Dimension Tool.