Pre-configured Viewport Tools

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Each Pre-configured Viewport Tool offers a different drawing screen format to aid the user in viewing multiple projections of an entity simultaneously. The following descriptions will aid you in choosing the best format for your drawing project:


Using the Viewport Divide Tool:


Activate a Pre-Configured Viewport Tool:

Find one of the Pre-Configured Viewport Tool icons ssViewportSinglessViewportVertssViewportHorssViewport3RightssViewport3LeftssViewport3BottomssViewport3TopssViewport4EvenssViewport4RightssViewport4Left on the View Toolbar  (color coded red) and Click on the tool. The tool has now changed the viewport settings for your drawing.


Note: These tools will not remain active. This means you can use this tool at any time and without interrupting other tool processes to change the way you work within the drawing screen.


1. ssViewportSingle Single Viewport : Drawing screen remains whole.


2. ssViewportVert Two Vertical Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports with a vertical divider.


3. ssViewportHor Two Horizontal Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports with a horizontal divider.


4. ssViewport3Right Main and Two Left Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports vertically. The portion on the left will be further divided horizontally into two viewports (for a total of three).


5. ssViewport3Left Main and Two Right Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports vertically. The portion on the right will be further divided horizontally into two viewports (for a total of three).


6. ssViewport3Bottom Main and Tow Top Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports horizontally. The upper portion will be further divided vertically into two viewports (for a total of three).


7. ssViewport3Top Main and Two Bottom Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports horizontally. The lower portion will be further divided vertically into two viewports (for a total of three).


8. ssViewport4Even Four Even Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into four equal viewports (horizontally and vertically). Select the eighth tool on the flyout toolbar. Click.


9. ssViewport4Right Main and Three Left Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports vertically. The portion on the left will be further divided horizontally into three equal viewports (for a total of four).


10. ssViewport4Left Main and Three Right Viewports: The drawing screen will be divided into two equal viewports vertically. The portion on the right will be further divided horizontally into three equal viewports (for a total of four).



Also See:

View Toolbar

Divide Viewport Tool