Flat Shaded Tool

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The Flat Shaded Tool alters the 3D rendering mode. Flat shading is  a lighting technique used in 3D computer graphics. It shades each polygon of an object based on the angle between the polygon's surface normal and the direction of the light source, their respective colors and the intensity of the light source. It is usually used for high speed rendering where more advanced shading techniques are too computationally expensive.


The disadvantage of flat shading is that it gives low-polygon models a faceted look. Sometimes this look can be advantageous though, such as in modeling boxy objects. Artists sometimes use flat shading to look at the polygons of a solid model they are creating. More advanced and realistic lighting and shading techniques include Gouraud shading and Phong shading.


This tool incorporates the flat shading technique but without visible object edge lines.


Using the Flat Shaded Tool:


Using the Flat Shaded Tool:

Find the Flat Shaded Tool icon ssModelFlatShaded on the Rendering Toolbar (color coded teal) and Click on the tool. The drawing screen will refresh and display modelspace entities with flat shaded mode.


Note: This tool will not remain active. It is a one click tool and when finished it will activate the, default, select tool.


Also See:

Rendering Toolbar