Property Name
Data Type
Dimension Styles Properties:
Arc Symbol Type
Menu. Available options are:
-Arc symbol precedes text.
-Arc symbol is above text.
-No arc symbol.
Sets the arc symbol type.
Text BG Color
Sets the background color for text.
Extension line-1 Linetype
Sets the first extension line linetype.
Extension line-2 Linetype
Sets the second extension line linetype.
Dimension line Linetype
Sets the dimension line linetype.
Extension Line Fix Length Enabled
Controls if the extension line has a fixed length.
Extension Line Fix Length
Scientific Data
Sets the extension line fixed length.
Flip Arrow
Multiple Option Menu. Available options are:
-One arrow outside first extension line
-One arrow outside second extension line
-Arrows inside extension lines
-Arrows outside extension lines
Sets the arrow flip option.
Jog Angle
Scientific Data
Sets the jog angle.
Dimension Line and Leader line properties:
Hide first dimension line and arrow-head
Show/hide first dimension line and arrow-head.
Hide second dimension line and arrow-head
Show/hide second dimension line and arrow-head.
Dimension line extension
Scientific Data
The distance dimension lines extend beyond extension lines.
Dimension line distance
Scientific Data
The distance between dimension lines for baseline dimensions.
Dimension line Lineweight
Scientific Data
Lineweight for dimension lines
Hide dimension lines outside extension lines
Show/Hide dimension lines outside extension lines.
Draw dimension lines when text is outside dimension lines
Show/hide dimension lines between extension lines when text is outside dimension lines.
Extension line properties:
Extension Lineweight
Scientific Data
Lineweight for extension lines
Hide first extension line
Show/Hide first extension line.
Hide second extension line
Show/Hide second extension line.
Extension line extension
Scientific Data
The distance extension lines extend beyond dimension lines.
Extension offset
Scientific Data
The distance extension lines are offset from their origin points.
Dimension text properties:
Decimal separator
Decimal separator for measurements. This value must be single character. If more than one characters are specified, application considers the first character as decimal separator.
Text style
Text Style
Text style for dimension text.
Text size
Scientific Data
Specify size of the dimension text. If text style being used has "Fix Size" variable set to TRUE then text size has no effect on dimension text.
Text horizontal position
Menu. Available options are:
-Centered above the dimension line.
-By the first extension line.
-By the second extension line.
-Above the dimension line, parallel to the first extension line.
-Above the dimension line, parallel to the second extension line.
Sets dimension text's horizontal position.
Text vertical position
Menu. Available options are:
-Centered about the dimension line.
-Above the dimension line, unless DIMTIH=1 and the dimension line is not horizontal.
-Side of the dimension line farthest from the defining points.
-JIS standard.
Sets dimension text's vertical position.
Dimension type
Menu. Available options are:
-Architectural (stacked)
-Fractional (stacked)
-Microsoft Windows Desktop
Sets dimension formatting type for units in non-angular dimensions.
Decimal places
Integer Number
Number of decimal places
Zero suppression in linear dimensions
Menu. Available options are:
-Suppress zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and suppress exactly zero inches.
-Suppress zero feet and include exactly zero inches.
-Suppress trailing decimal zeros.
-Suppress leading decimal zeros.
Sets zero suppression options for linear dimension values.
Prefix and/or suffix
Specify prefix and/or suffix for measurement text. The syntax is My Prefix<>MySuffix. Here "MyPrefix" is the prefix user wants to prepend before dimension value and "MySuffix" is the suffix user wants to append after dimension value. "<>" gets replaced by actual dimension value when dimension entity is created.
<>in will be replaced by 10in when dimension entity is created.
<>" will be replaced by 10" when dimension entity is created.
@<> cm will be replaced by @10cm when dimension entity is created.
Text rounding
Real Number
Sets the rounding of measurements. If value is 0, no rounding is performed, else the measurement text is rounded to nearest multiple of rounding value specified.
If measurement value is 8.81 and Number of Decimal places is set to 2,
Rounding value = 0.000 will make measurement value 8.81.
Rounding value = 1.000 will make measurement value 9.00
Rounding value = 2.000 will make measurement value 8.00
Rounding value = 5.000 will make measurement value 10.00
Rounding value = 1.100 will make measurement value 8.80
Rounding value = 5.200 will make measurement value 10.40
Make inside text X-aligned
Controls the orientation of dimension text inside the extension lines. If checked, makes text aligned with WCS X-axis otherwise aligns with dimension line.
Make outside text X-aligned
Controls the orientation of dimension text outside the extension lines. If checked, makes text aligned with WCS X-axis otherwise aligns with dimension line.
Force dimension text to put inside extension lines
If checked, it always puts dimension text inside extension lines, otherwise it puts inside only if there is room.
Text movement rules
Menu. Available options are:
-Dimension line moves with dimension text.
-Adds a leader for moved dimension text.
-No leader, moves only dimension text.
Sets movement rules for the dimension text.
Dimension text gap(factor)
Real Number
The vertical distance from the middle of the dimension text to the dimension line. This value is specified as factor of dimension text size.
Tolerance and fraction properties:
Fraction format
Menu. Available options are:
-Horizontal Stacked.
-Diagonal Stacked.
-Not Stacked.
Sets the fraction format when dimension type is architectural or fractional. This value has no effect if "Dimension type" under "Dimension text properties" is not architectural or fractional.
Show tolerance
Show/hide tolerance text.
Tolerance and fraction text size
Real Number
The size of tolerance and fraction text as a factor of Dimension text size.
Tolerance vertical position
Menu Available options are:
-Centered about the dimension line.
-Above the dimension line, unless DIMTIH=1 and the dimension line is not horizontal.
-Side of the dimension line farthest from the defining points.
-JIS standard.
Controls vertical position of Tolerance with respect to dimension line.
Lower tolerance limit
Real Number
Sets lower tolerance limit.
Upper tolerance limit
Real Number
Sets upper tolerance limit.
Note: Since all decimal numbers are controlled by Application Settings variable "Decimal Places", if you want to specify tolerance limits with more decimal precision, change "Decimal Places" variable in Application settings. This can be accessed by following Menu: Options ð Application settings...
Suppress Tolerance Zeros
Menu. Available options are:
-Suppress zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and suppress exactly zero inches.
-Suppress zero feet and include exactly zero inches.
-Suppress trailing decimal zeros.
-Suppress leading decimal zeros.
Sets zero suppression in tolerance values.
Decimal places in tolerance
Integer Number
Number of decimal places in tolerance values.
Dimension color properties:
Dimension Color
Color of dimension line, arrow-head, leader lines.
Extension Color
Color of extension lines
Text Color
Color of dimension texts
Angular dimension properties:
Integer Number
Decimal places in angular measurements
Suppress zero(Angular)
Menu. Available options are:
-Suppress zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and suppress exactly zero inches.
-Suppress zero feet and include exactly zero inches.
-Suppress trailing decimal zeros.
-Suppress leading decimal zeros.
Sets zero suppression in angular dimensions.
Arrow-head properties:
Arrow-head size
Scientific Data
Arrow-head size in dimension entities.
Arrow, Text Fit
Menu. Available options are:
-Moves text and arrows outside extension lines.
-Moves arrows, then text, outside extension lines.
-Moves text, then arrows, outside extension lines.
-Moves text or arrows for best fit.
Arrow and Text fit in dimensions. This property specifies how arrows and text are placed when they do not fit within the extension lines of dimensions.
Custom Arrow-head block
Block Definition
Specify custom arrow-head block at ends of dimension and leader lines. If not specified it will use default arrow-head.
Separate arrow-heads
Use separate arrow-heads for dimension lines.
First Custom Arrow-head block
Block Definition
Specify first custom arrow-head block of dimension lines. If not specified, it will use default arrow-head. If "Separate arrow-heads" is not selected, this property has no effect on dimension entities.
Second Custom Arrow-head block
Block Definition
Specify second custom arrow-head block of dimension lines. If not specified it will use default arrow-head. If "Separate arrow-heads" is not selected, this property has no effect on dimension entities.
Leader line custom arrow block
Block Definition
Specify the arrowhead block at the end of leader lines. If not specified it will use default arrowhead.
Miscellaneous properties:
Arc/Circle center mark
Real Number
The absolute value specifies the size of the center mark. -ve value: Center marks and center lines shown. 0 value: No center marks or center lines. +ve value: only Center marks are shown.
Move dimension line and the text
If checked moves dimension line and the text, otherwise only the dimension line.
Dimension line and text gap
Scientific Data
The gap between dimension text and dimension lines. -ve value draws a box around text.
Linear scale factor
Scientific Data
Scale Factor for linear dimension.
Construct dimension limits
Construct dimension limits
Overall scale factor
Real Number
Scale factor for whole dimension block.
Alternate dimension properties:
Use alternate measurements
Enables alternate measurements in dimensions.
Alternate dimension type
Menu. Available options are:
-Architectural (stacked)
-Fractional (stacked)
-Microsoft Windows Desktop
Sets alternate measurement type.
Zero suppression in alternate measurements
Menu. Available options are:
-Suppress zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and suppress exactly zero inches.
-Suppress zero feet and include exactly zero inches.
-Suppress trailing decimal zeros.
-Suppress leading decimal zeros.
Sets zero suppression in alternate measurements in dimensions.
Prefix and/or suffix for alternate measurements text
Specify prefix and/or suffix for alternate measurement text. The syntax is MyPrefix<>MySuffix. Here "MyPrefix" is the prefix user wants to prepend before dimension value and "MySuffix" is the suffix user wants to append after dimension value. "<>" gets replaced by actual dimension value when dimension entity is created.
<>in will be replaced by 10in when dimension entity is created.
<>" will be replaced by 10" when dimension entity is created.
@<> cm will be replaced by @10cm when dimension entity is created.
Number of decimal places
Integer Number
Number of decimal places in alternate measurements in dimensions.
Distance multiplier
Real Number
Distance multiplier for alternate measurements in dimensions.
Rounding specifier
Real Number
Sets the rounding of alternate measurement. If value is 0, no rounding is performed, else the measurement text is rounded to nearest multiple of rounding value specified.
e.g.If measurement value is 8.81 and Number of Decimal places is set to 2,
Rounding value = 0.000 will make measurement value 8.81.
Rounding value = 1.000 will make measurement value 9.00
Rounding value = 2.000 will make measurement value 8.00
Rounding value = 5.000 will make measurement value 10.00
Rounding value = 1.100 will make measurement value 8.80
Rounding value = 5.200 will make measurement value 10.40
Number of decimal places in tolerance
Integer Number
Number of decimal places in tolerance values in alternate measurements in dimensions.
Zero suppression in tolerance
Menu. Available options are:
-Suppress zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and exactly zero inches.
-Include zero feet and suppress exactly zero inches.
-Suppress zero feet and include exactly zero inches.
-Suppress trailing decimal zeros.
-Suppress leading decimal zeros.
Sets zero suppression in tolerance values in alternate measurements in dimensions.