Application Settings Dialog

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Application settings are program level settings. These settings are not saved with the drawing, but saved with the hsCADCreator program (via Window's registry). Whenever a new drawing or an existing drawing is opened, previously set application settings are applied to it. This settings are not immediately applied when changed; it is only when a drawing is loaded that these settings are loaded and applied. Application settings are accessible through the application settings dialog. To access this dialog use Application Button ð Settings...





Field Name

Data Type


Use Auto Save


Enable/disable auto save feature.

Auto Save Interval

Integer Number

Time in minutes between each auto save.

Auto Save Directory

Folder Path

Path to folder for temporary auto save files.

Drawings Directory

Folder Path

Path to current drawing's directory.

Raster Directory

Folder Path

Path to current drawing's raster files.

Plot Style Directory

Folder Path

Path to current drawing's plot style directory.

Library Directory

Folder Path

Path to current drawing's library directory.

Tessellation Deviation

Real Number

Value that controls the resolution for drawing non-linear curves. Lower the value, higher the resolution. 

Region Selection UCS Tolerance

Real Number

Tolerance for selecting a region that is on UCS plane.

Region Selection Point Tolerance

Real Number

Tolerance for selecting a point that is on UCS plane.

Decimal Places

Integer Number

Number of decimal places to display for all numbers used in drawing.

Default Text


Default text for text entity insertion.

Selection Notification Threshold

Integer Number

Only show detailed notification about selection when the number of entities is less than this number.

Notification: Show Tool Options


Enable/disable tool option notifications (in notification window).

Notification: Show Tool Activations


Enable/disable tool activation notifications (in notification window).

Show System Objects


Toggle showing system objects (Objects whose name starts with an asterisks (*)). 

Undo/Redo Notification Threshold

Integer Number

Show detailed notification when number of undone/redone entities is less than this number.

Trim Trailing Zeros


Enable/disable trimming of trailing zeros.

Autosize Property Grid


Autosize the property grid column.


Sub Property-Trees:


Default Viewer Settings: Grid Settings

Grid Settings

Set how the default grid will appear and behave.

Default Viewer Settings:Permanent Entity Snap Settings


Entity Snap Settings

Default entity snap settings to be used for newly created drawings.

Drawing Settings

Drawing Settings


Support Settings

Support Settings