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A multiline is one or more parallel lines drawn along a reference line. It allows editing/creation of parallel lines as a single entity. To draw a Multiline see the Multiline Tool.




In hsCADCreator, a in 3d space multiline entity consists of the following data in addition to the Common Data:

Property Name

Data Type


Multiline style

Muliline style

The style definition from which this entity draws its appearance.


Menu. Available options are:

-Align top with cursor

-Align center with cursor

-Align bottom with cursor

Specifies how the multiline should be aligned

Number of vertices

Integer Number

Total number of vertices in this multiline.



When checked (true), a new segment is automatically placed connecting the last vertex in the multiline with the first.

End Caps


Draws end caps at the end of multiline if specified in multiline style.

Start Caps


Draws start caps at the start of multiline if specified in multiline style.



In hsCADCreator the above properties are shown in the Selection Property Tree when a multiline entity is selected using Selection Tool.


Click on image to see detail view.