The multiline tool is responsible for creating Multiline Entities.
From the Toolbar: Find the multiline tool icon on the Entity Toolbar (color coded blue) and Click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use.
From the Shortcut Key: The default shortcut key for the this tool is the letter "M". Simply press the key and the tool will be activated.
From the Command Line: Type "multiline" into the command line, at the top of the Notification Window, and press the Enter/Return key.
1. Click anywhere on the drawing to designate the start point.
2. Do likewise for the next vertex. And if continuous is enabled (default) than continue to do so as desired.
3. If specify length mode is enabled, move the mouse to the desired length click. You can enable and disable specify length at will as you draw various segments.
4. Repeat the steps 1-3 as desired, adding more vertices to the multiline entity.
5. Press Shift + Enter to finish the multiline and add it to the drawing.
• | After finishing the tool it will reset and you can either continue with other tools or add another multiline entity. |
• | Using reset (Space Bar) at any time while using this tool cancels all previous steps and restarts the tool. |
To add a multiline entity using typed data open the Tool Tab in the property tree.

1. Type the start point coordinates into the "Start Point" 3D Point Property Field found on the Tool Property Tree and press Enter to accept.
2. Type the coordinates for the next point into the end point field. And if continuous is enabled (default) than continue to do so as desired.
3. If specify length mode is enabled, type in the length data into the "Length" Scientific Data Field and press Enter to accept.
4. A multiline entity has been added. If continuous mode is enabled then the tool will not reset. The end point of the last segment will automatically become the start point for a new segment within the same multiline entity and you will repeat steps 2,3 and 4 until finished with the tool.
• | After finishing the tool it will reset and you can either continue with other tools or add another multiline entity. |
• | Using reset (Space Bar) at any time while using this tool cancels all previous steps and restarts the tool. |
Right Click: Brings up a Context Menu containing options for this tool.
Remove Last Vertex: Removes the last placed vertex, so that the user can place it where at an adjusted location. Can continue to remove vertices until there is one left. Then the user must reset the tool if s/he doesn't want to retain the remaining vertex.
Contiguous Mode: Enables the multiline to be made up of continuous stream of multiline segments.
Specify Length: Allows the user to specify the length of the line segment as part of the multiline entity creation process.
Escape (Esc): Cancels current tool and activates the default tool (Selection Tool).
Space: Resets this tool.
Also See:
Multiline Entity
Grid Snaps
Entity Snaps
Notification Bar