Rotate UCS Tools

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The Rotate UCS Tools facilitate the rotation of the active UCS about a co-ordinate axis or about an arbitrary line.


Using the Rotate USC Tools:


Activate a Rotate UCS Tool:

Find one of the Rotate UCS Tool icons ssUCSRotateXssUCSRotateYssUCSRotateZssUCSRotate on the Drawplane Toolbar (color coded purple) and Click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use. This set of tools is part of a Flyout toolbar.


Use a Rotate UCS Tool:


1. ssUCSRotateX Rotate UCS About X-axis Tool


2. ssUCSRotateY Rotate UCS About Y-axis Tool


3. ssUCSRotateZ Rotate UCS About Z-axis Tool


4. ssUCSRotate Rotate UCS About Line Tool




Also See:

Draw Plane Toolbar

Flyout Toolbar