Zoom Extent Tool

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The Zoom To Extents is used to adjust the view so that every drawn entity is within view.


Using the Zoom To Extents Tool:

From the Toolbar: Find the Rotate Tool icon ssViewZoomExtentsTool on the View Toolbar  and Click on the tool. The drawing screen will now refresh and will display all of the drawing such that it will fit to the limits of the drawing screen.

From the Shortcut Key: The default shortcut key for the point tool is the letter " Number Pad - ". Simply press the key and thedrawing screen will now refresh and will display all of the drawing such that it will fit to the limits of the drawing screen.

From the Command Line: Type "zoom_extents" into the Command Line, at the top of the notification window, and press the Enter/Return key. The drawing screen will now refresh and will display all of the drawing such that it will fit to the limits of the drawing screen.


Note: This tool will not activate as a one time tool. This means you can use this tool at any time and without interrupting other tool processes. See Tool Concepts for more information.


Also See:

View Toolbar