Manage External References Tool is used to create/edit/delete External Reference Objects.

Find one of the Manage External References Tool icon
on the Library Toolbar (color coded peach) and Click on the tool. The manage dialog will show up for the editing of external reference objects. After performing the desired operation in the manage dialog,left click on "OK" (button) to save it to drawing. If "Cancel" (button) is clicked, all the changes performed since opening this manage dialog are undone.

To select an external reference, left click on one of the external reference names from the list displayed on left-hand side of the manage dialog.
To view the properties of an external reference, select an external reference from the left side. The "Preview" area will show the selected external reference as it will appear in drawing. All properties for the selected external reference are displayed on the right-hand side of the manage dialog.

To attach/add an external reference to drawing, left click on attach button (
) in the "Actions" section. This opens a standard file-select dialog. After selecting desired drawing file, click on OK. A new external reference with the selected file name will be added to the drawing's library.

To detach/delete an external reference from the drawing, select an external reference from the left. Click on the detach button (
) in the "Actions" section. The selected external reference will be deleted. The detach button (
) becomes unavailable when there is no external reference selected or the selected external reference is a default external reference.

To load/reload an existing external reference, select an external reference from the left. Click on the load button (
) under "Actions" section. The selected external reference will be loaded into the drawing's database.

To unload an existing external reference from the drawing's memory, select an external reference from the left panel. Click on the unload button (
) in the "Actions" section. The selected external reference will be unloaded from drawing's memory.

To bind an existing external reference as block definition, select an external reference as described in select external reference. Click on bind button (
) under Actions section. The selected external reference will be removed from external references library and binded into current drawing as a block definition. Binding an external reference as block definition creates a new block definition with the external reference's name. Any block definition's within the external reference are also added as new block definitions to current drawing with this naming convention: ExternalReferenceName$BlockNameInExternalReference.
Also See:
External Reference Objects
Library Toolbar