Block Reference

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Block references represent copies of Block Definitions. The Block Insertion Tool is used to draw block references from your library of block definitions. For example, if the user frequently created drawings with a particular design of door, (s)he could make a block (or stamp) of that door and add it to the Block Library using the Block Definition Tool, and then insert it whenever his/her drawing called for it. Each door would look exactly like the others and would give the drawing a consistent appearance.



A block reference provides the following data in addition to the Common Data:

Property Name

Data Type


Block Name

Block Definition

Name of block definition on which this block reference is based.

Insertion Point

3D Point (X, Y, Z coordinates)

The block's base point for insertions.

Scale Factors

3D Point (X, Y, Z scale factors)

Scaling factors along X, Y and Z axis


Scientific Data

Angle of rotation with Insertion Point as focus.



The above properties are shown in the Selection Property Tree when a block reference is selected using the Selection Tool.


Click on image to see detail view.


To draw/insert a block into drawing from block library see the Block Insertion Tool


See also:

Library Window

Block Entity

Manage Blocks