Arc Tools

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The Arc Tools are responsible for creating Arc Entities.


Creating an Arc:


Activate an Arc Tool:

Find one of the Arc Tool icons ssEntityArcSMEssEntityArcSCEssEntityArcSCAssEntityArcSCLssEntityArcSEA on the Entity Toolbar (color coded blue) and click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use. This set of tools is part of a Flyout toolbar.


Creating the Arc:

There are four different method that can be used to create an arc entity.


1. ssEntityArcSME Start-Middle-End Arc Tool: Arcs that pass through three chosen points (start point, middle point, and end point).


2. ssEntityArcSCE Start-Center-End Arc Tool: Arcs drawn from a start point to an end point based on the location of a (circle's) center point.


3. ssEntityArcSCA Start-Center-Angle Arc Tool: Arcs drawn from a start point to a point on a circle with a specific included angle based on the location of the (circle's) center point.


4. ssEntityArcSCL Start-Center-Chord-Length Arc Tool: Arcs drawn from a start point to a point of specified chord length based on the location of the (circle's) center point.


5. ssEntityArcSEA Start-End-Angle Arc Tool: Used to draw arcs from a star point, an end point, and an included angle.




Also See:

Arc Entity

Flyout Toolbar