Entity Toolbar

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The create tools can be accessed by using the blue colored entity toolbar (Or their individual Keyboard Shortcuts or Command Line keywords).  Creation tools primary function is to draw entities through a user friendly process of steps.




1.ssEntitySelect Selection: Used to select entities.
2.ssEntityPoint Point: Used to create a point entity.
3.ssEntityIconRay Ray: Used to create a ray entity.
4.ssEntityIconXLine XLine: Used to create a xline entity.
5.ssEntityLine Line: Used to create a line entity.
6.ssEntityMLine Multiline: Used to create a multiline entity.
7.ssEntity2DPolylinel Planar Polyline: Used to create a planar polyline.
8.ssEntityIconSpline Spline: Used to create a spline entity.
9.ssEntity3DPolyline 3D Polyline: Used to create a polyline within 3D Space.
10.Arc Tools: Used to create arc entities.

ssEntityArcSME Start-Middle-End Arc: Used to create an arc entity using start, middle and end points.

ssEntityArcSCE Start-Center-End Arc: Used to create an arc entity using start, center and end points.

ssEntityArcSCA Start-Center-Angle Arc: Used to create an arc entity using start and center points and an angle.

ssEntityArcSCL Start-Center-Chord Length Arc: Used to create an arc entity using start and center points and a chord length.

ssEntityArcSEA Start-End-Angle Arc: Used to draw arcs from a star point, an end point, and an included angle.

11.Circle Tool: Used to create a circle entity.

ssEntityCircleCenQuad Center-Radius Circle: Used to create circles by specifying the center point and a point to define radius.

ssEntityCircleQuadQuad Quadrant-Quadrant Circle:  Used to create circles by specifying two opposite points on the circle which in conjunction set the location and size of the circle.

12.Ellipse Tool: Used to create an ellipse entity.

ssEntityEllipse Center-Radius Ellipse: This tool is used to draw ellipse entities by specifying the center point and then the major and minor axis.


ssEntityEllipseQuadQuad Quadrant-Quadrant Ellipse: This tool is used to draw ellipse entities by specifying opposite points on the ellipse.


ssEntityEllipseAng Elliptical Arc: This tool is used to draw an ellipse (using the Center-Radius method) and then to turn it into an arc by specifying the angle at which it starts and ends.


13.Dimension Tools: Used to create dimension entities.

ssEntityDimAligned Aligned Dimension: Used to create a dimension entity that aligns to two user directed points.

ssEntityDimLinear Linear Dimension: Used to create a Dimension entity that depicts the linear distance between to user defined points.

ssEntityDimOrdinate Ordinate Dimension: Used to create a Dimension entity that displays either the X or Y distance from the user specified origin.

ssEntityDimRadial Radial Dimension: Used to create a Dimension entity that depicts the radius of an entity.

ssEntityDimDiametric Diametric Dimension: Used to create a Dimension entity that depicts the diameter of an entity.

ssEntityDimAngular Angular Dimension: Used to create a Dimension entity depicting an angle specified from the user supplied center, start and end points.

14.ssEntityText Text: Used to create a text entity.
15.ssEntityHatch Hatch: Used to create a hatch entity within a specified area.
16.ssEntityFaceMesh Face Mesh: Used to create a face entity on the current UCS draw plane.
17.ssEntityBlockCreate Block Definition: Used to create a block definition or group of entities combined together to create a single entity.
18.ssEntityBlockInsert block reference: Used to create and place a block entity from a previously created block definition.
19.ssEntityImageInsertion Image Insertion: Used to create an image entity.
20.ssEntityViewport Viewport Creation: Used to create a viewport entity (used in layouts only).