Dimension Tool

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The Dimension Tool is responsible for creating Dimension Entities.



Creating a Dimension:


       Activate a Dimension Tool:

       Find one of the Dimension Line Tool icons ssEntityDimAlignedssEntityDimLinearssEntityDimOrdinatessEntityDimRadialssEntityDimDiametricssEntityDimAngular on the Entity Toolbar (color coded blue) and click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use. This set of tools is part of a Flyout toolbar.


Creating the Dimension Line:


1. ssEntityDimAligned Aligned Dimension Tool (default): A linear dimension for objects with unusual shapes, or with edges at unusual angles; the dimension line will always parallel the imaginary line connecting the origins of the two extension lines.  

2. ssEntityDimLinear Linear Dimension Tool: A linear dimension that will either be oriented along either the X-axis or the Y-axis (your choice).


3. ssEntityDimOrdinate Ordinate Dimension Tool: A dimension of an X-axis or Y-axis point.


4. ssEntityDimRadial Radial Dimension Tool: A dimension for the radius of a circle.


5. ssEntityDimDiametric Diametric Dimension Tool: A dimension for the diameter of a circle.


6. ssEntityDimAngular Angular Dimension Tool: A dimension for an angle (in radians or degrees).



Also See:

Dimension Entity

Manage Dimension Styles

Flyout Toolbar