Polygon Tools

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The polygon tools are responsible for drawing regular polygons using either Line or Polyline entities (user preference).


Drawing a Polygon:


Activate a Polygon Tool:

Find one of the polygon tool icons ssEntityIconPolygonCenVertssEntityIconPolygonCenApothssEntityIconPolygonVertVert on the Entity Toolbar (color coded blue) and Click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use. This set of tools is part of a Flyout toolbar.


Different ways to Draw a Polygon:

There are thee different ways that can be used to draw a polygon entity.


1. ssEntityIconPolygonCenVert Circumscribed (Center-Vertex) Polygon Tool: Draw a polygon by specifying the center and a vertex.

2. ssEntityIconPolygonCenApoth Inscribed (Center-Apothem) Polygon Tool: Draw a polygon by specifying the center and an apothem  point (perpendicular from the center to a side of the polygon).

3. ssEntityIconPolygonVertVert Vertex-Vertex-Width Polygon Tool: Draw a polygon by specifying the two corners of one side of the rectangle--thereby allowing you to specify rotation--and then the width.