The Hatch Tool is responsible for creating Hatch Entities.
From the Toolbar: Find the hatch tool icon on the Entity Toolbar (color coded blue) and Click on the tool. The tool is now active and ready for use.
From the Shortcut Key: The default shortcut key for the point tool is the letter "H". Simply press the key and the tool will be activated.
From the Command Line: Type "hatch" into the Command Line, at the top of the notification window, and press the Enter/Return key.
1. Click inside the region to be hatched for the hatch entity. The region will be outlined. Repeat to select more regions to hatch.
Note: If there are regions within the selected (outlined) region, these will be hatched over; that is, unless these are selected too. If a region is selected within a selected region, that subregion will be ignored and not hatched.
2. Press Enter to create the hatch.
• | After working through the necessary steps the hatch entity is added to the drawing. The tool automatically resets and you can either continue with other tools or draw another hatch. |
• | Using reset at any time while using this tool cancels all previous steps and restarts the tool. |

The hatch tool does not support selecting a region by using the keyboard.
Right Click: Brings up a Context Menu containing options for this tool.
Selection Mode: How the area to-hatch is selected. User can define a region by selecting entities or by clicking within a region.
Island Mode: How to deal with islands in the area.
Escape (Esc): Cancels current tool and activates the default tool (Selection Tool).
Space: Resets this tool.
Also See:
Hatch Entity
Hatch Styles
Grid Snaps
Entity Snaps
Notification Bar