Modify Toolbar |
The Modify Tools can be accessed by using the green colored Modify Toolbar (Or their individual Keyboard Shortcuts or Command Line keywords.). The modify tools primary function is to allow the modification of drawn entities through a user friendly process of steps.
1. Translate Tool: Moves objects in the in 3D space.
2. Rotate Tool: Rotates objects about an axis.
3. Explode Tool: Breaks down of entities into their simple components.
4. Delete Tool: Removes selected entities from the drawing.
5. Scale Entities Uniformly Tool: Resizes entities proportionately along all sides.
6. Scale Entities Non-uniformly Tool: Resizes entities disproportionately along a single axis.
7. Trim Tool: Snips off portions of lines.
8. Extend Tool: Elongates lines.
9.Array Tools: A set off tools for duplicating entities in a patterned way.